Easter in Haiti

Some of our dear friends have opened up a home for the Elderly in the small town of L’Asile Haiti. Our Lady of Rest has welcomed 14 residents from the small town of L’Asile and its surrounding villages, all of whom were previously living in difficult, even dire situations. In this part of Haiti, the elderly are among the most neglected and sometimes even rejected of God’s children. Witnessing this need, our friends David and Andrea Quinn, Braxton Callen and a team of other amazing servant hearted disciples were moved to do something. Our Lady of Rest has been their prayerful response to the urgency they felt in their hearts. The Quinns and company have partnered with locals, like Beata (an amazing woman and now manager of the home), to staff the center and provide daily care for the residents. The vision behind Our Lady of Rest recognizes the real needs of the whole person. Beyond the provision of shelter, nutrition and safety, the staff who work closely with the local church, minister to the residents’ spiritually and emotionally as well.
It is really an honor for Rooted to be able to partner with this incredible work this month. Thanks to all of you who have shopped with us, we were able to provide a special Easter Feast to the whole Our Lady of Rest community (both residents and the staff who work so hard to serve them).
This Easter feast was extra special this year, because thanks to the witness of all those involved in Our Lady of Rest, one of its residents, Elevans, was welcomed into the Family of God through the Waters of Baptism! You can see the joy in the room. Amazing to think that your sugar scrub and face wash had an impact for 14 beautiful souls at our Our Lady of Rest! Thanks for making that possible!
See how, with your help, we plan to help Lobo this April!
Now for some more good news, this coming month of April we are thrilled to help Lobo get the dentures he really needs. Odilon, or Lobo, as his friends call him, was living in an empty room and sleeping on the ground when the Our Lady of Rest team invited him to move in. Lobo was so excited! When he was later picked up in the community truck, Lobo shared it was only the second time in his life to ever ride in a car! Lobo is fun, he loves to make jokes and create laughter for those around him! We are excited for him to get the dental care he needs and for the ways having dentures will enrich Lobo’s life! The Our Lady of Rest team is still working out the particulars, but estimates that $250 USD would provide dentures for Lobo! We can’t wait to support Lobo in this way, and are excited to team up with all of you to do so! To that end, this month every additional gift made when checking out will go to fund dentures for Lobo. If you want to chip in for Lobo, just include a little gift next time you check out, and we will make sure he gets the support he needs.
Last month we introduced you to Ana, and thanks to the amazing Rooted community, many of whom gave above and beyond the purchases they made, we were able to raise the $1000 left (and then some) to meet the expenses of Ana’s surgery. While we were thrilled to exceed our goal, and had even heard (and announced) that Ana’s surgery had been scheduled, we later learned that Ana’s cancer had developed to a point that she is not presently a candidate for surgery. Instead her medical team has shifted Ana’s care to attacking the tumor surrounding her spine (and impairing her mobility) through radiation and chemotherapy. We are keeping up with Ana’s friend Mirella as her status unfolds, and will continue to keep you all updated as we learn more. Despite this setback, the general consensus is that Ana is feeling better these days, and for that we are grateful. More than that, we also believe God connected us to Ana’s need, and know that even in difficult and bleak situations, He can do ALL things. Please join us in praying for miracles for Ana’s healing and total recovery.
It is beautiful to be a conduit of your prayers, encouragement, and support for Ana. I know that the funds we are able to provide for Ana from our sales in March, along with your generous outpouring of support, will go a VERY long way in caring for Ana and providing for her medical treatment. In the midst of the heart wrenching challenges Ana is facing, we are blessed to be a source of consolation. Your gift this month is caring for Ana and her family, alleviating some of the fears of mounting medical expenses and providing critical treatment. THANK YOU!
PRAISE REPORT April 16, 2021
So just a few days ago we reached out to Mirella our point of contact with Ana in Mexico. We wanted to follow up and see how Ana was doing and what the status of her treatment was. We were not prepared for the good news that Mirella shared. While what she shared was shy of a miracle of total physical healing, to us it is clear that what has taken place is a MIRACLE nonetheless. We are convinced that through the prayers of the Rooted community joined with the powerful prayers of Ana’s own family and community, God has worked in a sovereign and providential way on Ana’s behalf. You see, when Mirella took the hours long trip to the city to deliver the funds we raised along with a care package of essentials she had put together, Ana let her know that quite unexpectedly a Foundation in the city picked up her case and is covering ALL of her expenses! We were floored to hear this, and are praising God for His faithfulness. The funds we sent will still be used for her medical and associated needs, but we can take consolation in the fact that the remainder of her care has been provided for. Ana wanted to thank you all for your outpouring of prayer and support. God be praised, let’s keep expecting miracles together and continue to make an impact as a Rooted community!
