Does Stress Hurt My Skin?
I think it safe to say that if you are living in the 21st century and a human being, you know what it is to be STRESSED!
Our lives are so fast-paced; our jobs often give us little time to move our bodies; we don’t feed ourselves or sleep as well as we should: all of this combined adds to a general anxiety that seems like a permanent state of being for some.
Did you know that stress can also negatively affect your skin too? It's no surprise that skipping your regular cleansing routine due to a busy schedule can result in stressed skin and a decline in its condition. Additionally, stress triggers hormonal fluctuations in your body that can make your skin more susceptible to breakouts.
The Effect of Cortisol
While hormones are not ALWAYS at the core of all our problems, it sure seems like it sometimes! When it comes to your skin, hormones play a significant role in determining your skin's condition during times of stress.
When we are under stress, our bodies create more cortisol - fondly called the “stress hormone.” Excess oil production on our skin, triggered by elevated cortisol levels, is directly linked to more frequent breakouts.
According to, “stress can aggravate psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema. It can also cause hives
and other types of skin rashes and trigger a flare-up of fever blisters.”
Have you ever wondered why you have a breakout when you're stressed? Now you know why!
Possible Solutions
But what can we do about it? Here are some helpful suggestions to not only keep your skin clear but also help reduce stress overall.
Don’t skip that skincare routine! Even if it feels like the world is falling apart around you (sometimes it is, but sometimes it also just seems that way to us), don’t cut out cleansing your skin! It doesn't take much time, but neglecting to cleanse can lead to effects that take far longer to
undo than the effort required to maintain the routine.
Practice deep breathing. When you’re stressed, this is a great way to lower your heart rate, bring in extra oxygen to your blood, and calm yourself down before the stress gets unmanageable.
Make sure you get plenty of good exercise! Movement always acts as a great detox! A short walk, a set of 10 squats, or some gentle stretching can significantly reduce stress levels!
Eat better and regulate our sleep patterns. Everything in our body is interconnected, so small changes can have a bigger impact than you might expect! Set simple, achievable goals—like eating one fruit and one vegetable a day. Try setting a bedtime alarm to help you wind down earlier, disable your phone apps by 9:30 PM, and unwind with a good book!
Set Boundaries! It’s ok to tell people “no” if you have too much going on. You can’t be everyone’s hero. Make sure you take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.
Growing and Learning Together,
Anna Ketterling