Valentine's Day - Showing Love to Others

It’s the day of love, romance, and good feelings. But how often do we think of loving others on Valentine’s Day – and I’m not just talking about our significant others.
This Valentine’s Day at Rooted for Good, we want to showcase for you all the ways you show love to your brothers and sisters in the world who are the most impoverished.
Whether you realize it or not, your support of our products brings much-needed care and love to so many.
In our “Good for Others” blog, we focus on those endeavors specifically, so here we will provide you with some highlights of all the ways you have shown and continue to show love to individuals in need.
January 2021- Building a Home in Ecuador!
“Teresa Kiehl and her amazing family are serving full-time in Ecuador. They live a beautifully simple and sacrificial life ministering to a rural region of the upper Amazon.
A text message this particular Sunday morning alerted us to a humble family from a neighboring village who had just lost everything they owned to a fire caused by an electrical line.
Thank God no one was hurt, but Modesto and his wife,

Jacinta have raised their beautiful family of 7 children on this land for the last 15 years, and when the need arose, Jacinta and Modesto generously welcomed their daughter-in-law and grandchild to live with them a few years back.
That adds up to 11 souls displaced by the fire! Currently the family is living with a neighbor who has opened their home to them as they rebuild.
Thanks to your Rooted purchases in January of 2021, we were able to advance Teresa funds to kickstart the rebuilding process of Modesto and Jacinta’s home. We are so grateful that we are able to be a part of their life rebuilding, and we hope to share updates on their progress in the weeks/months to come.
Thanks again for the difference your purchases are making for those in need around the world!”
Summer 2021 - Feeding the Imprisoned in Malaybalay!

“Thanks to all of you who bought soap or skincare or essential oils from Rooted this past August, we were able to partner with the Mardoquios in providing 260 care packages to each of the inmates in the Malaybalay City Jail.
Each care package was outfitted with some hygiene essentials and a few other items, like coffee and sugar, offering a glimmer of hope for those who find themselves in a very dire situation.
We are awed by the opportunity to reach out together across hemispheres and timezones and meet the needs of a population in need of mercy and support.
Thank you for being a part of this ever growing Rooted community!”
December 2022 - Mary's Meals for Kids in Kenya!

“Rooted is so honored to say that $1 of every $10 you spend on Rooted products this December will be going to the great work of Mary’s Meals in Turkana, Kenya. This year where Mary’s Meals has recently been able to expand their feeding program to include elementary school kids beyond the work they have established for the preschool classes.
One of the advantages of Mary’s Meals approach is that families no longer have to choose between keeping their kids home to work or going to school.
Volunteers from these communities are the logistics teams and provide the manpower to feed students. This means operational costs are kept low and as a result, more kids across the world get to eat each day. It also means that locals are true partners in feeding their community, and have buy-in, and get to see the fruit of their own investment of time and resource utilization.
This is how Mary’s Meals is able to provide a school meal for a child, each school day for a whole school year for only $21 - that is truly remarkable!”
February 2023 - CRS Disaster Preparedness Program in India

“In East India, flooding from storms frequently cuts off families’ access to local markets and destroys their farms, putting their health and livelihoods at risk. As part of a CRS disaster preparedness program, families learn how to grow foods that withstand storms, cyclones and floods, as well as how to cook nutrient-rich meals so their children receive the nutrients they need to grow.
We are most excited to share that for the month of February, 10 cents of every dollar spent on Rooted products will be directed to helping these families through CRS! At Rooted for Good we believe that business can be a force for good in the world, and that you can buy products that are effective and nourishing for your skin and life, which are also making a positive impact in the lives of others!”
None of this would have been possible without your support! Rooted products do so much more than enhance your skin and self care routines. Rooted products are enriching others!
One of the most exciting parts about the adventure that is Rooted for Good is the opportunity that we have had to partner with amazing individuals and organizations each month that are really dedicated to making the world a better place and are making a difference!
Thank you for all the love you have shown to these people through your support of our business.
-Anna Berlinger