What's Your Skin Type & Why It Matters...
Let’s face it. We all want beautiful skin. Believe it or not, that dream is not as far-fetched as you may think. Maybe you’ve been trying for a long time to find the PERFECT product that will restore a youthful glow to your face.
What if I were to tell you that it’s not just about the product? Don’t get me wrong – the product is important, but did you know you can’t start there? Everyone has a different skin type. In order to find the product that’s right, you need to discover yours.
Lots of different factors can help determine skin type: the amount of water your skin retains, its sensitivity, etc. But to make things simpler, let’s break it down into three main skin types and then we can go over some ways to restore your skin to a healthier state – regardless of its type!

1. Dry Skin Type
Scratchy, itchy, flaking – ug! Dry skin can be so annoying. Some common traits to look out for would be an overall rougher complexion, nearly invisible pores, skin that is less elastic, more visible lines or red patches, and a greater tendency for your skin to crack, itch, or get inflamed/irritated. Overall, not a fun time!
Sometimes it’s all in the genes, but in other instances, there could be external causes for your dry skin. Indoor heating during the winter often dries out skin, as well as wind and cold. On the flip side, UV radiation and tanning beds can be a culprit. Other causes could be aging or hormonal changes, medications, and most commonly, ingredients in certain mass-produced soaps, cosmetics, or face cleansers.
As a side note, sensitive skin (often considered a fifth type) has similar symptoms to dry skin. Skin that is overly sensitive is often dried out because of specific triggers. If you can discover those, they can be avoided. Common triggers could be particular chemicals in most big brand skincare products.
2. Oily Skin Type
The bane of nearly every teenager’s existence, including mine! We’ve all seen the signs of oily skin: huge pores, acne (blackheads, pimples, etc.), and an overall “shiny” complexion.
Time of year and weather can also have a big impact on oily skin (hint: HUMIDITY!) but probably the most obvious cause is puberty. However, there is another VERY common cause that is not as well known.
Oily skin that is prone to acne in adults (especially women) can be indicative of a hormonal imbalance. Stress is also a leading cause of acne and oily skin in adults. In a case like this, NO product will work until you first address the underlying issue (more on this later).
3. Combination Skin Type
Have you ever noticed that after you moisturize, one part of your skin will seem refreshed and happy, while a different area will suddenly explode in a breakout? If so, you’re dealing with a combination skin type.
While some parts of your skin may be dry, it doesn’t mean all parts are. When putting moisturizer on your face, consider that there are places that are often more prone to being oily. The nose, forehead, and chin

for instance are known as the “T” zone and tend to produce more oil.
For instance, I know that I should avoid my jawline LIKE THE PLAGUE when applying moisturizer, while my upper cheek area always seems pretty dry.
If you have this skin type, don’t worry. You are DEFINITELY not alone. This is probably one of the most common skin types. It may need slightly different care in different areas and that’s OK!
How to Care for Your Skin Type
Now, we can get down and dirty – so to speak.
If you’ve got dry skin, here are some tips to help restore it.
Consider spending less time in showers or baths. That way, the soap isn’t continually washing off all your skin’s natural oils.
Investigate your soap. There might be some nasty chemicals in there that are the source of your skin dryness and sensitivity.
Avoid abrasive scrubbing tools while showering that could irritate your skin.
Depending on your location, a humidifier for inside the house might be useful.
MOISTURIZE! MOISTURIZE! MOISTURIZE! Just lather that stuff on right after showering and feel free to reapply throughout the day as needed (consider the amount and placement if you have combination skin). At Rooted for Good, we have a great moisturizer that I absolutely love for my dryer patches. Consider checking it out: Renew Face & Body Cream
If you’ve got oily skin, here are some tips to tame the beast:
Consider washing more frequently, but not more than twice a day. Target those times when you will be most sweaty.
Find a gentle cleanser to help remove excess oil.
DO NOT SQUEEZE PIMPLES – they will take longer to heal that way and will be more likely to leave a scar. (I know, it’s hard!)
Look for the word "non comedogenic" on skin care products and cosmetics. They will be less likely to block your pores and cause a breakout.
Consider getting your hormones tested. This may sound out of left field, but trust me. It’s not. If your breakouts tend to be around your chin or jawline, you may be dealing with a hormonal imbalance. Speaking from personal testimony, if you treat the hormonal imbalance FIRST before trying other products, you are well on your way to curing your oily and acne prone skin!
There are two Rooted for Good products that have been my holy grail for breakouts and they are the Revive Face Wash Blue Tansy and the Rewind Face and Eye Serum
try to treat your skin well by treating the whole body well. Stay hydrated, moisturize appropriately for your skin type, and consider what other activities you partake in that may be putting your skin through the ringer such as smoking, time spent in the sun, vitamins, diet, etc.
All these factors play a role in skincare.
At the end of the day, you can always seek out a dermatologist – but try some of our suggestions first. I guarantee they will go a long way!
Growing and learning together,
Anna Berlinger
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