A Heroic Faith

This month at Rooted we are really hoping to make a life changing impact for a personal friend of ours in the Philippines. Some of you may remember the Mardoquio family from our Good For Others project back in April 2021 (See Blog Link Here).
At that time, Junar and Dian Mardoquio and their beautiful family helped us to provide care packages with a week’s worth of food for struggling families in an impoverished village.
In fact the Mardoquio family has dedicated a significant part of their life to serving those in need around them and building up families and faith in their neighboring communities.
A Kidney for Junar
Even after the tragic loss of their son, their heroic faith and indomitable joy have compelled them to continue to give and serve those around them.
Recently Junar has experienced serious health decline which has been yet another cross for his family to bear.
I asked if we could share his story and make him the focus of our Good for Others support this November. Here is his appeal letter:

An Appeal for Support
I hope that you are doing well and full of God’s blessings during this time.
My name is Junar Mardoquio. I am 30 years old and my wife Dianne and I have 4 children.
My family and I have been serving those in need in a small community here in Malaybalay, Philippines sharing our faith and ministering to the poor.
Our oldest child Justin passed away a little over 2 years ago from Leukemia.
This tragedy and the overwhelming love and support we have received through it has reshaped our outlook on life. Today I am asking you for a similar outpouring of love and support.
On July 5, 2022, I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Since that day I have been on dialysis three times a week. My sickness affects my family so much because I had to move to a bigger city for dialysis and I can’t be with my family to take care of them. I have been living alone since I got sick, and I miss my wife and children so much.
In August, my family and I went to a Kidney Transplant Coordinator to talk about the possibility of having a kidney transplant, and discovered that I am a good candidate.
I have a brother who has graciously offered to donate his kidney, but the cost of the surgery is financially not possible for us. We are totally relying on God’s help and provision.
Thus far we have raised $12,000 for the costs of the operation, and I need to raise another $10,000 in order to have the surgery.
In Jesus,
Junar Mardoquio
Your Purchases Make a Difference!

This month 10% of every Rooted purchase and 100% of all “tips” will go to supporting Junar with his critical surgery.
Together we can make a huge difference for Junar, his wife and kids.
Please help us share Junar’s story and share more about your favorite Rooted products with your friends and family.
We are so grateful to all of our customers who shop their values and enjoy amazing Rooted self care products while making a difference for people across the globe! Thank you!