Meet Veronica: A Mary’s Meals Success Story!

Mary’s Meals is back again as our Good for Others charity for this month. 10% of every order you place will go to supporting their amazing efforts to stop hunger and provide education for children in need.
But this month, we have a surprise for you - an amazing success story of one of Mary’s Meals first children: Veronica!
What is Mary’s Meals?

Through Mary’s Meals, families no longer have to choose between keeping their kids home to work or sending them to school. Mary’s Meals’ school feeding programs lifts this burden from the very poor in impoverished communities by ensuring that educational and nutritional needs are both met through the help of volunteers from the children’s own community!
As a result of all this community cooperation, Mary’s Meals is able to provide a school meal for a child, each school day for a WHOLE school year for only $25.20 - that is truly remarkable!
Who is Veronica?
Veronica Chipwanya was one of the first children to benefit from Mary’s Meals’ school feeding program in Malawi, more than 10 years ago. Veronica at age 19 was determined to be educated and improve her prospects.
Her father died when she was a baby and she lost her mother at just 9 years old. She remembers how difficult it was to become an orphan at such a young age:
“Back then my brothers and sisters weren’t working. Sometimes I would go the whole week without food. I was weak.” Veronica needed help and thankfully, help was not far away!

Mary’s Meals = An Educational Chance!

Veronica’s story is very similar to many Malawian girls her age, but her life changed when she encountered Mary’s Meals:
“I was doing my best before the porridge, but the food and support from Mary’s Meals improved my performance.”
After completing her primary education, Veronica was selected to attend secondary school in Blantyre and eventually began a course in Business and Education Studies at university. Thanks to Mary’s Meals, Veronica
was well on her way to realizing her dream of becoming a teacher. At the writing of this, she has completed her university degree and graduated successfully!
Veronica is all too aware of the difficulties facing young girls who lack education. She wants to encourage other girls to follow in her footsteps and attend school:
“I have suffered a lot and I think education is the only way out of poverty. That’s why I work hard. I would encourage other girls to receive porridge and to work hard in class.”
Help Us Support More Success Stories!
You can see that Veronica’s story advocates strongly for Mary’s Meals and their cause:
“Education is important because when you are educated, you have power,”
Veronica says. “People do not take advantage of you.”
We here at Rooted for Good know that you will stand alongside us when we say that no child should have to choose between receiving an education and working

to feed themselves and their families. We thank you in advance for your generous support of children like Veronica through your purchases this month!
Growing and Learning Together,
Anna Ketterling