Tragedy & Heroism in Costa Rica

This month at Rooted for Good, 10% of all sales will be going to help a girl named Yerlin and her little boy, Dabi. They live with Yerlin’s mother in Costa Rica.
Back before Dabi came along, it was just Yerlin and her mom, who made her income cleaning people’s houses. They never had much money, but they were happy.
However, this small family would soon have to endure a great cross.
At the age of thirteen, Yerlin was raped by one of the people her mother cleaned houses for. Not long after the event, Yerlin was found to be with child from the rape. She was only thirteen years old and still wanted to go to school.
Karen, a missionary serving in Yerlin’s small town in Costa Rica, encountered her after the rape.
Neither Yerlin nor her mother were raised in the Christian faith; however, they both believed in God.
And He had a plan for Yerlin.
In an effort to instill in her a sense of hope amidst this profound tragedy, Karen began having conversations with Yerlin about another woman who found out she was having an unexpected pregnancy.
That other woman was called Mary and she would become the mother of the Redeemer.
Karen told Yerlin that even though Mary’s conception was certainly different from her own tragic story, Mary had not planned her pregnancy.
She received the child as a gift from God. Karen explained that Mary knew being a mother would be

the best work she could do, and that Mary’s Son would change the world.
After learning about Scripture and the story of Christ’s birth, Yerlin was instilled with hope and decided to give birth to the child she had conceived.
The missionaries serving Yerlin’s community threw her a baby shower with games and songs. They brought treats like doughnuts, since most people in Costa Rica don’t have them. Natalia, a missionary that was helping Yerlin, said they “spent a fortune” to get her the doughnuts.
We got to celebrate this little baby’s life and we got to walk with her.”
Another missionary gifted her with an image of the Blessed Mother Mary, as Yerlin had been so deeply inspired by her decision to carry and raise Jesus.

Yerlin gave birth four weeks prematurely to a baby boy and she decided to name him Dabi. He was born in May 2023 – Mary’s month. Through the birth, Yerlin and her mom decided to enter the Church.
Yerlin is hoping to finish school and her mom is going to help her raise the child in the house she rents.
Yerlin feels very happy and content being with Dabi.
He makes her feel really close to God and she feels like she is cooperating with His plan. She is so joyful.
However, the house Yerlin’s mom is renting is not an ideal home for the family of three, since Yerlin is trying to stay home and go to school.
The missionaries are beginning construction on a new house for Yerlin, her mom, and Dabi. They currently have one of the 4 walls up. The goal would be for them to have their own home, so that Yerlin and her mom can live together and raise now 2-1/2-month-old Dabi.
The missionary team in Costa Rica was very moved by Yerlin and Dabi’s story, believing that they gave testimony to how the pro-life movement should respond to mothers of unplanned children.
“The heart of the story is that we can say we are pro-life,” Natalia said, “but unless we are willing to journey with someone who is willing to make the heroic decision to choose life, it’s all words.
In a situation like Yerlin’s, all society would see is ‘This is terrible. You just got raped,’ which it is. But that’s all they see.
What I see is a woman who is willing to fight for life. This is the heroic reality of receiving the cross that God allows you to carry.
This 13-year-old is a hero in this culture of life battle.”
For the month of July, Rooted for Good is coming alongside of Yerlin and Baby Dabi.

10% of ALL Rooted sales will go to helping fund the building project for Yerlin, her mother, and Dabi’s new house.
If you’re interested in donating more, contact to donate.
Please also consider spreading the word about Dabi, Yerlin, and Rooted’s efforts to others this month, both by word of mouth and on social media.
That way, we can all do more good together. When you shop Rooted for Good, you don’t just shop for healthy skincare products. You also shop your values.