Welcome Kids Back to School by Supporting Mary’s Meals!

Friends, this month, we come back to an old friend and supporter of Rooted for Good: Mary’s Meals. We have partnered with them before in November and December of last year and once again in January of this year. We will come alongside them again this August and donate 10% of all our proceeds to their mission: feeding some of the world’s poorest children.
In August at the start of a new school year, it is so important that we help Mary’s Meal’s keep their incredible promise of providing both food and education to the many children they minister through their program. As the cost of food escalates worldwide, they are faced with an increasing challenge to feed the poor in an already difficult context.
Mary’s Meals not only takes an innovative, cost effective approach to ending child hunger, but they also bolster education opportunities for children who suffer from hunger and lack of access to healthy meals.
Mary’s Meals works with local communities to start, run, and operate feeding programs in communities where endemic poverty can sometimes mean families must choose between their children receiving an education or children working in family farms and businesses in order to put food on the table.
We here at Rooted for Good know that you will stand alongside us when we say that no child should have to choose between receiving an education and working to feed themselves and their families.
Mary’s Meals prevents children and their families from being caught in this terrible situation.
Through Mary’s Meals, families no longer have to choose between keeping their kids home to work or sending them to school. Mary’s Meals school feeding programs lifts this burden from the very poor in these communities by ensuring that educational and nutritional needs are both met!

How does Mary’s Meals pull off this amazing feat? They involve the people within these children’s own community!
Volunteers that many of these children know personally are the logistics team, who provide the manpower to feed students.
This means operational costs are kept low and as a result, more kids across the world get to eat AND go to school each day. It also means that locals are true partners in feeding their community, and have buy-in, and get to see the fruit of their own investment of time and resource utilization.

As a result of all this community cooperation, Mary’s Meals is able to provide a school meal for a child, each school day for a WHOLE school year for only $21 - that is truly remarkable!
Working alongside community volunteers, Mary’s Meals is now serving 2,429,182 children every single school day!
Since March of last year, they have welcomed more than 149,000 children into their global school feeding program.
Rooted is so honored to say that $1 of every $10 you
spend on Rooted products this August will be going to the great work of Mary’s Meals, who are changing the story for the millions of children they serve every school day.
Help us spread the word about Mary’s Meals and Rooted for Good and let’s see how many kids we can feed together!
You DO have the power to change someone’s life. You CAN give hope with a simple school meal. It IS enough to make a simple donation.
Food changes the story for these poor children.
Here at Rooted for Good, we know that it only takes a small amount of people to make a huge difference. We are not a massive cooperation. We see you. We are you. Choose a brand that reflects your values this August. Support Mary’s Meals through your Rooted for Good August purchases or go to marysmeals.org to make a direct donation.
Also follow them on Instagram @Mary’sMeals