It may be a new year but it is still true that “the poor are always with us” - so this month, we return with our Good for Others initiative to assist in a beautiful mission: restoring the dignity of poor and mistreated women and their children. Rooted For Good will focus 10% of our sales in supporting the Santa Maria Magdalena Home in January.

Santa Maria Magdalena’s Home is a place for unwed mothers and their children. These women and children suffer under the yoke of poverty, domestic violence, and unjust living conditions in some of the poorest communities. The mission of Santa Maria Magdalena’s Home is twofold—that of renewing the mother’s sense of worth and restoring human dignity to mothers as well as their children.
Santa Maria Magdalena’s Home provides a loving and affirming atmosphere and a safe home, while supporting the material and spiritual needs of each unique and beautiful family. Their mission is to journey with each family, providing them with the opportunity to rediscover that they—despite the sufferings and unjust abandonment they have endured—are still very much loved by Jesus and are essential agents in the work of evangelization.

The mission of Santa Maria Magdalena is to disciple the families, as they learn to remain faithful to the teachings of the Gospel and be fervently encouraged by their personal testimony they have to offer. It is their hope that these families discover in Jesus Christ an intimate relationship, merciful love, and conversion.
The workers and volunteers at Santa Maria Magdalena’s Home do all they can to help women who have been wounded through harmful relationships, beginning by learning the many reasons why a woman chooses to stay in such a relationship. Such reasons are incredibly varied:
- She thinks that violence is an expected part of marriage
- She believes that she can never separate or divorce/receive an annulment because she is married in the church
- She believes that it is her fault, and she is ashamed to expose it
Her family does not support her, or they tell her she has to put up with it
- She believes that she will not be able to support her family without his financial support Her relatives and friends notice it, but they say nothing
- She is unaware that she has rights and that she deserves respect and affection
- She is afraid to leave him because of threats to kill her or himself, take away children, or cut off economic support, etc.
- She is unaware of or does not trust the legal system and its response
- She believes that the children need their father
- She loves him and believes he will change.
Santa Maria Magdalena Home seeks to meet these women where they are and provide what they need to be able to help them and their families live healthier lives.
An average week at the Maria Magdalena home will include: shared meals, morning prayer, Adoration nights, praise and worship, chores, tutoring for the children, movie/game nights, Bible studies, healing retreats, and formation.
Often, they will harvest the things they grow like coffee – no matter what the weather – even the children enjoy participating in providing for themselves.
When you purchase from Rooted this month, 10% of your purchase is used for a variety of things, including the running of the Maria Magdalena home, meeting the basic needs of the women and children, medical bills of the women and children, school supplies for the children, court fees, furniture for their homes, supplies for the houses, etc.
We at Rooted for Good are so pleased to come alongside Maria Magdalena home in their service to those in need. As a Rooted community, together we ARE making a difference, one heart & life at a time. Thank you for partnering with us & doing GOOD in the world! Please consider joining us in supporting this beautiful ministry!
Learning and Growing Together,
Anna Ketterling