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What Your Face Wash is Doing in Nepal!



Wow! Time flies when you are having fun. It also seems to fly when you are growing a business and raising 6 lively young boys. In between creating and producing amazing all natural products, keeping in touch with our ever growing online community of Rooted enthusiasts and fulfilling orders (while simultaneously working out the technical and other kinks of a budding business), Brooke and my greatest work in life, that of loving and caring for our 6 sons keeps us on our toes in and of itself. 

     Along with many of you May brought on the transition from school rhythms to summer life here at the Summers household. We are learning the dance anew this year, after 2020’s school to summer schedule was completely turned upside down due to the effects of what was for all of us a spring/summer of wading into uncharted territory. For our household, this May brought with it graduation ceremonies and birthday parties that were not to be last year.



Yet in the midst of all of this activity and transition, and thanks be to God, emerging out of lockdowns and masks, for many of the poor around the world the effects of the pandemic are still very much a day to day reality. As we were contemplating and praying about where to invest our Rooted tithe, (the Good For Others commitment we have adopted of using 10% of all Rooted Sales to uplift the poor in the developing world), a Facebook post from a dear friend studying abroad caught our attention. Phillip Douglas and his family are living in Nepal while he is working on a Master’s degree. They are an amazing, sold out crew who are living intentionally among those who lack resources and access to the Gospel message. As it turns out the Douglas family were mobilizing friends and supporters to provide critical support to families suffering from the latest lockdowns and their effects in this region of the globe. Phillip shared, “With the recent spike in Covid cases in both India and Nepal, the entire country of Nepal is now in a complete lockdown. Most daily wage workers are not allowed to work and earn the $2-5 per day that they would normally be able to earn. Their situation is critical!” 


Feeding the Poor



Phillip went on to share: “With your help we 41 families have received food for roughly 30-40 days. Food that many of them perhaps would not have been able to receive otherwise. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to share your resources with some of our brothers and sisters here in Nepal who are in great need!” The afternoon after Phillip and his family, working alongside other local volunteers, distributed food to this village, he texted me: 

Brother I'm so humbled but pumped up right now. With your donation we were able to serve 41 families this am. I actually felt like God wanted me to serve a particular little village with your donation. There is a young pastor who started a church in this little village. We served the little area near a brick factory where the people probably make 200 rupees Nepali per day. Under $2! We gathered about 30 people into a little tin chapel they use for a church and I got to share the Good News a bit with them, encourage them, and pray with them. Both Christians and Hindus alike, so praise God and I am so thankful to you and Brooke for opening that door for me!


Chapel time


Chapel Time

For our part, we as a Rooted team are so honored to have your support and trust in our small business which allows us together to make an impact for so many in need! Every time you purchase, every time you share what you love about your Rooted scrub, essential oil or favorite skincare product with a friend, each 5-star review, and all of your engagement on Facebook and IG really is making an impact… for these families in Nepal this month, it will be an impact they feel at each meal time this month. Thank you!



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