Rahab's Rope

At Rooted for Good we are so pleased to come alongside Rahab’s Rope again & sponsor their work for the month of September as our Good For Others initiative. Rahab’s Rope works tirelessly to empower women & children in the fight against human trafficking. One hundred percent of their profits from sales & donations go to fund their mission to end human trafficking.

The Founder of Rahab’s Rope, Vicki Moore, speaks about the history behind their name: "We believe nothing happens in our lives by chance & timing is God-appointed. As God was opening my eyes to the women in crisis in India, I was also taking an Old Testament Bible class and was studying the story of Rahab, found in the book of Joshua. The rope in the story represents Rahab's rescue both physically and spiritually. Due to the large amount of flax plant Rahab had, there is a high probability that Rahab made the rope herself. Our hope is that, just as the rope that Rahab made represents her rescue, the skills taught to the women at our women's centers will represent their physical & spiritual rescue as well. It seemed fitting for Rahab's Rope to be our name."
Rahab's Rope exists to empower women & children in the fight against human trafficking. Their team seeks to equip women with skills to live a life of hope & sustainability. Moore says elsewhere that she felt inspired to do something when she came across a story that told how every day in India, about two hundred girls & women are

forced into the commercial sex trade. She began to search for more information & learned that every year, over four million women & children around the globe are trafficked into prostitution & slave labor. The more she searched, the more atrocity she found. She could not get this newfound knowledge out of her mind, & she questioned God - "Why isn't someone doing something about this?" As usual, when we ask, He replies, "I would like for you to do something."
Since 2004 Rahab’s Rope & its staff have created safe & loving environments for education & vocational training for women & children. Through their ministry women & children are empowered to grow & develop physically, mentally, financially, & spiritually. The vision for Rahab’s Rope is to see lives transformed by God's love in action. They seek to reveal His love in a way that an individual can see, understand, & respond to in faith. This comes to life as each woman in their care is first provided for emotionally, physically, & spiritually, then provided with basic education & training in vocational skills and eventually enabled to re-enter her community in a positive & contributing way.
We at Rooted for Good are so pleased to come alongside Rahab’s Rope in their service to those in need. As a Rooted community, together we ARE making a difference, one heart & life at a time. Thank you for partnering with us & doing GOOD in the world!
With Love,
Brooke Summers